Nitrogen Element Cube

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    Nitrogen's atomic number is 7 and its symbol is N. Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere on earth. It is an important element in all organisms, primarily in amino acids. Nitrogen plays a major role in the manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, propellants, explosives, fertilizers, and thousands of other commercial goods. Another industry that widely uses nitrogen is the medical field. Nitrogen forms the base of many pharmaceuticals including nitrous oxide (laughing gas). 

    This sample for nitrogen is sealed in a glass ampule under a vacuum. This means that it is capable of glowing in an electric field. When the sample is electrically excited it produces a faint reddish purple light.  

    • Made In USA
    • 2x2x2 inches
    • 99.995% Pure Sample 

    We get asked about the radioactivity and overall safety of the periodic tables/cubes from time to time. These are legitimate concerns and we wanted to address those concerns here. Although there are several elements in the cubes that are dangerous or toxic, the acrylic and glass ampules make the products safe to handle and store.

    The average American is exposed to 0.034 mrem/hr from background radiation (300 mrem/year). In other words, a person will get three times the radiation from natural background radiation which includes the sun, food, radon, and the environment, than they will from holding a radioactive element in one of our Lucite Acrylic displays.

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